Sunrise Thoughts on Returning to Live Music in Austin, TX
Photo by David Brendan Hall
From Erin: A few months ago, I was like, “when live music comes back, I am going to every show!” Every damn night, I said. I really felt it, I meant it, and I still want it. AND like anyone with young kids, I’m still IN IT over here. Like anyone who’s been in their house or apartment most of the last 15 months, trying to not snap at their spouse or partner under the pandemic stress, to not burn it all down, I have home fires still to tend. A rescue dog to walk. Work to do, bills to pay, a mess that won’t go away. Spiritual repair. Like anyone, even with so much joy and silver linings in my life, surviving 2020 and now 2021 is an exhausting daily project. (Seriously, have you checked on your parent friends lately?)
So as I do the tedious work of preparing for (AKA promoting) my great joy - returning to live music - I want to say to all my beloved friends in Austin...
This is a big time for musicians and everyone who sustains the Austin we love most. The creative heartbeat. We need your support.
I know you are tired like me. You may be torn between wanting to do things and staying in. (You may not be torn at all. You may not be ready. That’s OK too.)
For those who are tired and torn but longing for what we have been missing, my suggestion — if you want it — especially for tired parents like me, is just pick one thing. One thing in the next week. Put it on your calendar. Invite that isolated, vaccinated friend or friends you have missed most. Get the sitter. Commit to one thing, and don’t get overwhelmed by the fact that all of a sudden there is so much going on.
Truly. Wow. There’s a lot. It’s awesome. And unless it’s your job to go to shows every night, you probably can’t.
I have not made nearly the shows I have wanted to make in recent weeks. But the ones I’ve made have already made my year. Thank you, musician friends and venue staff. Thank you. <3
So, Austin friends, I hope you pick a thing that makes you feel hopeful and excited, then make a plan you can proudly stick to, pat yourself on the back afterward, like, “I did it!”
Be safe out there, and we can ease back into things together.
Pick the thing that makes you feel hopeful and excited and make a plan you can stick to.
If it’s a Parker Woodland show, we’ll be thrilled to see you. If it’s something else, I know how much it will mean to the artist or musician who is opening their heart to you and the public again.
By showing up, you will ease the grief and uncertainty for someone. You will reassure someone that their art matters. That they matter. Which is to say, too, that YOU matter, your presence, your smile, your hug, your dancing, your singing along.
When you are ready, I hope you will make your plan to safely show up for the thing or the people who bring you joy. I’m looking outside my window. It is gorgeous out there. <3
Photo by David Brendan Hall